Central Pool

1632 Oxmoor Road, Homewood, AL 35209




  • Amenities

    • 8 Lane 25 yard Competition Pool
    • Splash Park (Wet Playground)
    • Zero depth entrance ramp
    • Water vortex
    • Concession Area
    • Men’s & Women’s Locker Rooms and Party Room for rentals.
  • Concessions

    *Hours subject to change

    Food and beverages are sold on-site and managed by 2 Men and a Pig. They will be open for all nighttime swims. They accept cash, credit, debit and Venmo.


    Monday-Saturday: 11am-4pm

    Sunday: 1:30p-4:30p

  • Member Guest Policies

    Members can bring 1 guests per day, per facility.

    Guest fee is $5.00 per facility entered.

    All guests entering the pool facility are subject to the $5.00 entry fee regardless of the guest’s age.

    Guest admittance to pools and community centers have separate registration and fees each day. 

    Registration of a guest must be made in person by the member with the guest present.

    Homewood Parks & Recreation reserves the right to refuse guest privileges due to previous actions, occupancy levels, or program usage of the facility.

  • Pool Hours

    Normal pool operating hours:

    Monday - Thursday 

    10:00am - 7:00pm

    Friday & Saturday

    10:00am - 6:00pm


    1:00pm - 6:00pm

    *Hours are subject to change, so be sure to check the pool status

  • Pool Party Info

    Semi-Private Party (SP) is the use of the party room while the pool is open for normal operating hours.

    $150 Must hold current pool membership 

    *Includes 10 wristbands for non-member admittance. Additional guests wristbands can be purchased at time of rental for $5.00 each, not to exceed 30 non-member wristbands total.

    • Parties during operating hours are limited to 30 non-member guests
    • All people entering the pool facility will be required to be a member or have an admittance wristband


    Private Party (PP) is the use of the complete pool area after the pool has closed for the day. *Must be booked 2 weeks in advance.

    $400 for Homewood Residents

    $800 for Non-Homewood Residents

    • Supervisor’s approval needed for Party’s larger than 125 people.


    Rental Procedure:

    • Rental must be completed in-person at Homewood Community Center during business office hours, Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:30pm.
    • Full rental fees are due at time of application. Permit will be issued to the applicant at the time reservation is made.
    • To check availability call 205-332-6701 during business hours (Monday-Friday from 8am-5:30pm.

  • Pool Rules

    – Anyone using the facility does so at their own risk. Homewood Parks & Recreation is not responsible for any injury that may occur to individuals participating in any activity.

    – Homewood Parks & Recreation reserves the right to refuse access to any patron who violates any rule or regulation, or misuses or abuses the facility.

    – No private instruction, organized athletic practices or classes are allowed unless approved by Homewood Parks and Recreation

    – Do not visit or talk to lifeguards while they are on duty.

    – Please take a shower before entering pools

    – Always walk ; Please do not run at any time

    – Lifeguards reserve the right to administer swim test to any patron. The swim test consists of one length across the pool. Weak or non-swimmers will not be allowed to swim in deep water or go off diving boards without an approved vest.

    – Only US Coast Guard approved flotation equipment may be used as a flotation device in the pool. Life jackets are available on a first come basis for day use only.

    – Homewood Parks and Recreation is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Day use lockers are available in pool locker rooms.

    – No dunking, pushing, fighting, excessive splashing, abusive language or horseplay. Any other activity or action deemed inappropriate will not be tolerated.

    – In the event of inclement weather pool and deck area will be cleared.

    – Participants with open wounds or infections are prohibited from using the pools.

    – Members under 11 year of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.

    – Hanging on ropes and lane lines is prohibited.

    – Water play toys may be allowed at the discretion of the lifeguards and if properly supervised.

    – Persons with contagious or infectious health conditions are not permitted to use the pool.

    – Animals are not allowed in the pool area except for service animals for the physically impaired.

    – Use of the pool by persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited.

    – Food and drink are restricted to designated area. Patrons may bring cups with ice only onto the deck area. Glass is prohibited at all times.

    – Smoking is prohibited.

    – Appropriate swim attire is required at all times. 

    Street clothes are not acceptable. T-shirts may be worn at the discretion of staff.

    – Swim diapers are required for children not potty trained.

    – Homewood Parks and Recreation Staff have final authority on policies, rules and procedures.

    – Maximum pool occupants: 600

  • Safety Measures

    All CDC and/or Jefferson County/Alabama Health Dept. guidelines will be followed.

A logo for patriot pool shows a person swimming in the water.
A blue circle with a life preserver and the words pool management staff written on it.
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