Homewood Senior Center

816 Oak Grove Road

Homewood, AL 35209


“Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been.” - Mark Twain

Calendar: Programs & Activities

Senior Center Activities/Classes

  • Bingo

    Tuesday & Thursday


    Cost is a nickel**/card/game (**exception: cover-all game costs a dime/card/game). A variety of card cover-patterns are used (ex: straight single-line, picture frame, train tracks, 4-corners, 3-layer cake, cover-all, etc).  Large-print numbers on cards, and we can provide cards with even larger print if we know you need them in advance.

  • Bunco

    Once monthly on a Wednesday (varies, so check the current month’s calendar for exact date)


    This is fast paced, light-hearted dice rolling game of 6 rounds.  4 players per table.  Players take turns, each rolling 3 dice with a goal of earning 21 points.  At the end of each round 2 players from each table move to the next table. By the end of the 6 rounds each player has sat across from each of the other players due to all the switching of seats/tables. Prizes are awarded for highest and lowest score.  No cost to play.

  • Canasta

    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 


    “Samba Canasta” is the variation most often played.  Frequent participants are happy to teach newcomers! Occasionally, the players may opt for an alternative table game such as RummiKub, Dominoes, Golf (card game), SkipBo or Five Crowns.

  • Chair Fitness

    Seated Exercise Class

    Monday, Wednesday & Friday


    Seated Exercise is a 45-60 minute class. Gentle joint movement as warm-up. Stretching & strength portions are led with an emphasis on proper breathing & posture. Standing exercises designed to practice balance/weight shifting.

  • Chair Yoga



    A gentle yoga experience in and with chairs with 15 minutes on the mat.  Easy and Peaceful.  Bring your own mat.  Instructor Jackie Tally is a career fitness instructor. 

    Contact: 205-585-2871 (text preferred), or email at jgtally@aol.com

  • Clay Class

    (Pottery class)



    Working with low-fire clay and glazes, participants are encouraged to each “do their own thing.”  Seasoned art teacher Jo Ann Brown has an abundance of ideas and inspiration to share and is a great coach for multiple techniques of hand-built clay projects and glaze applications.

  • Drawing Class

    Tuesday & Thursday


    Instructor Donna Bailey's pleasant approach to teaching is one of positivity, constructive coaching, and enthusiasm. 

    Beginners and experienced participants will find the class to have a welcoming, encouraging, non-judgmental atmosphere with opportunities to learn techniques and experiment with mediums including graphite pencil and watercolors.  

    Supplies are provided by the Center.

  • Easy Line Dance



    Movement sequences on a beginner level are taught to a variety of music styles.  Wear sneakers or leather soled flat shoes.  Instructor Jackie Taly is a career fitness and dance instructor.

    For more information, contact her at 205-585-2871 (text preferred) or email at jgtalley@aol.com.

  • Improver Line Dancing

    Improver Line Dancing



    A range of Beginner to Improver line dances are taught to a variety of music styles. Wear sneakers or leather soled flat shoes. Instructor Jackie Tally is a career fitness and dance instructor.

    For more information, contact 205-585-2871 (text preferred), or email  jgtally@aol.com

  • Poker

    Wednesday & Friday

    10:30am - 3:00pm

    Game played is dealer’s choice. Players bid only nickels & dimes. Senior Center provides playing cards designed for low vision. (*this is currently a small group of 4 to 6 players; if known in advance that several will be absent on a particular date, the other players may decide not to meet). Wednesdays are a possible option for an additional/alternate Poker game if enough players express interest. New players are welcome and needed!  

    Contact center director Aimee Thornton for more information: 205-332-6502 or aimee.thornton@homewoodal.org.

  • Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention



    Tai Chi is an ancient mind-body marshal art exercise that with regular practice improves health and well being. It is a moving meditation in the form of fluid, graceful, circular and slow exercises. This class is suitable for anyone, easy on the joints, helps to calm the mind, improves balance and coordination. This is the program from the Tai Chi for Health Institute, specifically designed for Health & Wellness.

    For additional information about Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention, contact Galina at: galinawaites@gmail.com

  • Tai Chi, Sun Style



    Tai Chi (TaiJiQuan), Sun Style 73 forms

    During this class participants will learn in depth about Tai Chi history, principals/styles, will study/practice Sun Style long form (73 forms). QiGong warm up exercises and Tai Chi for Energy will be included in this class. Class is suitable for anyone who is willing to take the time learning this beautiful, liberating and empowering set of movements (forms). Previous experience in any of Tai Chi Styles or any Marshal Arts is helpful but not required.

    For additional information about Sun Style Tai Chi, contact Galina at: galinawaites@gmail.com

  • Tai Chi, Yang Style



    Tai Chi (TaiJiQuan), Yang Style 24 forms

    During this class participants will learn in depth about Tai Chi history, principals and styles, will study and practice the most popular Yang Style short competition form (24 forms). QiGong warm up exercises and Tai Chi for Energy will be included in this class. Class is suitable for anyone who is willing to take the time learning this beautiful, elegant and simple set of movements (forms), that is most practiced everywhere in the World.

    For additional information about Yang Style Tai Chi, contact Galina at: galinawaites@gmail.com

A white background with a few lines on it


This membership includes all access to the Senior Center. Year contract required. This is available for Homewood and Non-Homewood residents. All membership types can be found HERE


  • Hours of Operation





  • Free Transportation

    Free transportation for Homewood seniors, age 60+!

    This program offers FREE transportation to seniors 60 and older. The program is open to Homewood residents only. Driver is typically available Monday-Friday

    To schedule pick-up or register:


    The 8:00am-2:00pm schedule is currently limited to Medical transportation only.

    *Service not available on city holidays

  • Auditorium Rentals

    Rental info coming soon

  • Safety Measures

    All Jefferson County/Alabama Health Dept. guidelines will be followed for all safety measures.

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