This membership is paid annually and includes all access to the Homewood Community Center, Lee Community Center, Homewood Senior Center (must be age 55+), Central Pool and the Pool @ Patriot Park. Annual memberships are good for one year from the day of purchase. This is available for Homewood residents only.
$175 1st household member
$40 per additional household member
*Cap of $350 if paid in full and in-person (online payment does not have a cap)
$70 1st household member that is 55+
Senior Renewing In-Person
$10 2nd adult 55 and over
$40 if 2nd adult is 54 and under
$40 per additional household member age 22 & under
Senior Renewing Online (*if you meet the criteria):
for each additional member
*Members "per household" definition:
Homewood Parks & Recreation Board defines a household as two adults (23+ years of age) (2nd adult must be spouse and/or partner of 1st adult) and dependent children age 22 & under residing in the same household. Children three years & under are free of charge but will be issued a membership card for admittance to facilities.
If you are looking to renew your Total Access Annual membership, you might be able to do it online. If you meet the criteria below, you can renew your membership online, otherwise you will still do it in-person. *Note: If you have a 3-year-old or younger child(ren) on your membership, renew theirs in-person to get that membership at no charge.
Pay this renewal at the Business Office In the Homewood Community Center (1632 Oxmoor Road, Homewood, AL 35209), Monday-Friday, 8:00am – 5:45pm. Cash, credit /debit card and checks are accepted.
If you did not meet the criteria above to renew online, you will need one of the following to prove residency when you come in-person:
New memberships can be created in-person
at the Business Office at the
Homewood Community Center
(1632 Oxmoor Road, Homewood, AL 35209) Monday-Friday, 8:00am – 5:45pm. Cash, credit /debit card and checks are currently accepted.
For new memberships you will need one of the following to prove residency: